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Re: Sulpicia, Athenodora and Didyme

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 11:29 pm
by best_beating_heart
I have seriously wondered about the wives for a long time. A REALLY long time. And then I get to think, you know, how are their relationships like between them?

I think that Didyme and Marcus, I can imagine them a lot like Bella and Edward. Like so in love and so connected that if one of them would die they would be just devastated. I think that's what happened to Marcus; when Didyme died, he just lost interest in everything in the world.

Sulpicia and Aro: I don't know. Aro doesn't seem like that loving type, you know? Maybe he is a creeper :lol: But for some reason, I can imagine their relationship to be more one of convinience (sp?). Like, it started out as love but now they're just together for the sake of being together.

Athenodora and Caius: I think their relationship is more like Alice and Jasper, not like super like it, but more like their privacy. Like they do love each other but they don't show it in public. I think that Caius is also like a "workaholic" in a way, haha, but at the end of the day, he does love Athenodora.

And then it's like how the wives get along. I think with Didyme there, it was a lot more happier but now, with Athenodora and Sulpicia, maybe they like each other but not a lot? Maybe just in the way, you know, "She's my sister-in-law and I care for her but not care her."

Re: Sulpicia, Athenodora and Didyme

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 2:48 pm
by swedishskinjer
I don't think that Aro deeply loves his wife in Volterra, because it's been established that he would kill his own flesh and blood (Didyme) for the greater good of the Volturi. If they do share any "love", it's a mutual love for accumulating power, since she would be familiar with Aro's true thirst for power beneath the gracious personality. To me, Aro and Athenodora most likely resemble a high-class couple: they love each other only because of their influence.

Re: Sulpicia, Athenodora and Didyme

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 6:40 pm
by Olderthandirt
Thank you for this thread!

I love the wives just for their potential story. TY to Stephanie for some of the backstory.
I agree with the thought / theory that the wives do not get along since Didyme passed.
And I agree with the thought / theory that the marital alliance was for power in Aro and Sulpicia's case.

If you put some historical spin on what Stephanie created in the wives...women as a rule did not have independance or power early in history. They belonged to their spouse just like chattel. I know we a progressed as a society, but based on the time frame in Carlisle's painting and going backward, I surmise that the Volturi wives did not have much of a life outside the Tower!

Makes you wonder how they will be protrayed in BD / is hard for me to visualize them dressing "modern" like the men when Stephanie wrote that they rarely leave the Tower. Oops - starting to ramble off topic.....

Re: Sulpicia, Athenodora and Didyme

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 12:07 am
by xx-topaz
I feel like Aro would be able to love his mate, I mean if the bond between mates in vampires is so strong, and changes them deeply, he would have to love her right? Stephenie did write in the books that most relationships in nomad clans were made out of convenience so that each partner has a quality that the other finds useful or desires. But the Volturi don't need relationships based on convenience because they live such a secure lifestyle. Therefore wouldn't the relationships be based on emotion/love ?

Re: Sulpicia, Athenodora and Didyme

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 10:28 pm
by best_beating_heart
Personally, I think that Aro and Sulpicia did love each other deeply at a time, and maybe it's still there deep down, but for some reason, I feel that it's more of convinience for them.
I have no idea why I think that; that theory just seems natural to me. I can't imagine Aro being so lovey-dovey, Marcus yeah, and Caius, when he and Athenodora are alone (much like Jasper and Alice), but Aro doesn't seem like the loving type. He just seems like the person who loves power. I mean, he killed his own sister because he thought Didyme and Marcus were going to leave him. It just seems like it started out as that deep love, and after a while, it just became for power and/or convenience.

Re: Sulpicia, Athenodora and Didyme

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 11:05 am
by twilightsagafan2010
i know im being stupid here but how do you now that aro killed didyme and who is related to jane and alec :?:

Re: Sulpicia, Athenodora and Didyme

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 6:44 pm
by best_beating_heart
Aro had Didyme killed after she and Marcus were together. I'm pretty sure SM said so in an interview.
And no one that we know is related to Jane and Alec.

Re: Sulpicia, Athenodora and Didyme

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 8:20 pm
by dandyvampgirl_13
It was a Q&A session during the Breaking Dawn tour a couple years ago. Chicago, I believe.

Maybe Aro has to do a lot of 'convincing' to get her to stay with him. She probably likes the Volturi's money, too.

Re: Sulpicia, Athenodora and Didyme

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:51 am
by Leah W
I see it a little diffrently, and disagree with me if you will....

Sulipica fell in love with Aro before he came into power, and stood by his side since than. She does however feel a little sadden that every other vamprie veiws their mate as number one, and she is some where down the line. But she loves him no matter what, althose her husband can read her thoughts when he touches her. He still doesn't get her needs, or understand her. She also view's Alec and Jane as her children, that is why they are protected when she comes along, Aro changed them when they were young and at an age were a mother is needed, she is what makes the tower home and not work. She loves Alec and Jane despite what they do. Even those they may be evil little trouble makers but they are HER evil little trouble makers.

Anthenodora does have a power, but it something lots of humans have, she can see the good in others. That is why such a cold hearted person fell in love with her. Caius also changed her, knowing he wouldn never find a mate on his own so he created one. She stuck with Caius cause he created her, and she knows him better than anyone and sees something others can' not see. He may have a few screw's loose, but she is willing to stick by him despite that.

Didyme was a tragic tale, when her brother left the first time she was depended on him but overtime she gained independance and had a wider ranged of the world. She than became a vampire, and was reunted with her brother not knowing his plans. She fell in love with Marcus and kept the place happy, but she wasn't happy. She hated the city, she wanted to go outside in the sun and not worry about reviling the world of vampires. She wanted to leave with Marcus and live sepertly, maybe change a few humans along the way and have a family. Unfortionatly, her brother was not the gurden she remebered.

Re: Sulpicia, Athenodora and Didyme

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:50 am
by Silvirain
Is there any information about why "the wives don't leave the tower"? I could never figure this out. Also I couldn't imagine not leaving a tower for my entire existence. Do they not enjoy nature and other normal things most vampires seem to enjoy. I wish we knew more about the characters. I picture them as being very beautiful and classy.