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Re: Rob's Halfway House -- #7

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 1:47 am
by marielle
Good morning ladies…

I see you all are so very busy…
Well, it’s Friday so in just a few hours we have weekend…

Christina, it very good possible that they erased the cigarette, it appears to be a hefty topic in the US, I heard of a kids movie that wasn’t allowed to be showed in the US because the witch in it smoked pipe…I think they did it to be sure the rating would stay pg-13…

Lulu, yeah a mess is a bit of an understatement…we have now nicknamed my mom and dad, blondy and blondy…I mean when you don’t get the papers immediately you should know something is wrong…

Can I rant please????
- I really really don’t like that Hardwicke woman, first she screws up Twilight, (I know the script is to blame as well) still she made it so much worse than it could have been (okay she gets props for casting Rob and Kris) …than she does all these interview and talks constantly about how hot the chemistry between Rob and Kris was (I trust it is true but stop talking about their personal life)…now 3 a 4 years later when ever the hag needs attention she does an interview in which she only talks about Rob and Kris, it bugs me to no end….
-end of rant…

WOW, too low!!!! Pffff, my hands are itching…

Something for you girls to wake up with, press the play button

Well, I’ll wait till you girls are awake again!!!

Re: Rob's Halfway House -- #7

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 1:51 am
by Brienna
At the rate things are going here, I won't be able to post at all! :shock:

I spent a day at the hospital with my son this week. Since he fell, his tooth kept hurting and it kept bleeding. So we went to the dentist, who sent us to the hospital. When we got there, we could stay immediately, 'cause the tooth needed to be removed. We were there at 10.00 in the morning and by the time it was my sons turn, it was 13.45.
After that, we had to wait until the anesthesia was out of his body, before we could go home.

My daughter slept from 21.00 until 05.00 this week :clap: It was just a one time deal though :( This night, I was awake from 02.00 until 06.00....

So, just an update from me :) Things are crazy here, no time to read, too little time to post, sorry! ****HUGS**** :wave:

Re: Rob's Halfway House -- #7

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 4:24 am
by SwanCullen
:wave: a quick hello (at 4:30 am lol) been tired and cleaning all day bleh. I am up for a little while so hi. Just fly by posting!

Re: Rob's Halfway House -- #7

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 6:50 am
by vampirelover109
Hey ladies

Hope your all ok so ive had a fairly quiet couple of days of work so i thought id post

Fi- sounds like youve been busy good luck on the house

Jaclyn- thats cool that you used to play guitar i pretty much suck at it

Raine ive been watching the news all morning im worried about you and your fammily in the phillipines post when you can so we know your ok

Caryn- thanks things are good guitar is so hard to learn but ill get there

Jennjenn- thanks its good to be back

Susie i wish rob was giving me guitar lessons but i would not be able to focus congrats to sonnyboy thats great news

Marielle- im def going to wfe london prem

[ Post made via Mobile Device ]

Re: Rob's Halfway House -- #7

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 6:58 am
by vampirelover109
Hey ladies

Hope your all ok so ive had a fairly quiet couple of days of work so i thought id post

Fi- sounds like youve been busy good luck on the house

Jaclyn- thats cool that you used to play guitar i pretty much suck at it

Raine ive been watching the news all morning im worried about you and your fammily in the phillipines post when you can so we know your ok

Caryn- thanks things are good guitar is so hard to learn but ill get there

Jennjenn- thanks its good to be back

Susie i wish rob was giving me guitar lessons but i would not be able to focus congrats to sonnyboy thats great news

Marielle- im def going to wfe london prem

[ Post made via Mobile Device ]

Re: Rob's Halfway House -- #7

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 7:56 am
by dazzel21
Quick post...

If your watching the news you all know by now that a 4 meter tsunami hit Japan after an 8.9 earthquake. So far our government issued an alert that there may be violent waves near our sea coast in reaction to this. Like Japan, Philippines is also an island surrounded by large bodies of water. We're still okay here, no panic reaction just being wary of the situation. Hopefully, the alert would wind down by tomorrow. All my prayers and thoughts to everyone who suffered the tsunami and earthquake in Japan.

Thanks AnnMarie we're still okay here :)

Re: Rob's Halfway House -- #7

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:53 am
by Susie

– I’m so glad you’ve been able to juggle working and Lexing the past few days. Moderation is the key, they say! You seem to be energized by your hair change. The highlights sound beautiful. I think your hairdresser may be right in steering you away from too drastic a cut. You’ll still want to feel like you have hair!

– It sounds like you have the perfect boss – I’ve never heard of being let off work two hours early because it is your birthday! What a fun party too! But sad you couldn’t indulge in one of your favorite pastimes on your birthday – the internet! Reading WfE and watching Eclipse might have actually been better for you to get rest! I hope you’re feeling better now and that soon callers will stop addressing you as “sir”. Yes, I’ve been hearing all about the earthquake/tsunami in Japan. I didn’t think you’d be affected there, but from what you said, you may still get big waves. Stay safe! I’m 2 episodes behind on Glee. I hope to catch up this weekend.

Jaclyn – I can’t believe how cheap your internet phone service is!! I don’t know what it is here exactly, but I do know it’s a lot more than that – maybe like $25 (₤15) Millions of snow: I was curious if it was an expression used there- a cute little Scottish expression- because usually we don’t use a “count adjective” with a “non-count noun” and ‘snow’ is a non-count noun. See? This is the kind of thing I teach, so I noticed it and was curious if it was an expression. Is it perhaps just a Jaclynism? It’s totally OK to say. Just don’t write it in an academic paper. WINK Scholarships – He has $13,000 a year now and that’s probably all for merit scholarships. He’ll get some “need” scholarships/loans which relate to financial need (Who actually can afford to pay the entire tuition? Not many.) He’ll have a work/study job on campus which means they’ll grant him a specific number of hours a week and this money goes towards tuition. Daughter Dear had a great WS job – she worked in the Academic Support Center in reception. I hope he doesn’t get something in the cafeteria!!! Oh, you asked about my daughter in Mexico – she’s enjoying it quite a bit. If you’d like to read her blog, I’ll PM you the link. Have fun clubbing with your SIL – she knows how to party! Leave Action Rob at home – I don’t want him to get any beer spilled on him!

– Welcome to the 1000 posts club!!

– I’m glad your back is feeling better since the massage. What a crazy story about your mom’s new car. That’s something that would be on a TV News Expose!! What will happen now? Will she have to give it back to the original owner? Will she get her money back. Then she has to go shopping for cars again. What a bother! Will she be in the news? I love what your mom said about Carnaval – She’s beautiful so I’m sure someone tried to get her in bed at a Carnaval once upon a time! I’m glad she’s too refined for all that – plus devoted to your dad! Catherine Hardwicke’s new movie, Red Riding Hood got ZERO stars from our local newspaper critic!!! He was extremely harsh in his review. Ouch.

– Wow. You are very observant! I didn’t notice the disappearing cigarette before, but now I’ve watched both trailers and you’re right. Weird! Is it because the preview has been approved for all ages? The International trailer is definitely better, as we all have noticed. More yummy Rob. I’m glad you’ve finished your week of receptionist duty! Next week will feel like a breeze. You need to harass me more about you know what!

– Hi, Girlie!

– Will you have today off since you obviously put in so many extra hours earlier in the week?

– You sure are having a lot of trouble at your house! My son fell and broke his tooth when he was almost 3 and it had to be pulled out. I know how horrible that is for the mom! My son’s was his front tooth and I always felt so bad that it showed when he smiled and all other kids at that age still had their front teeth. Finally in kindergarten when kids started losing their teeth, I felt better.

Ann Marie
– I see that you’re planning to go to the WfE Premier – That’s great! Maybe you can meet up with some other HH Sisters – Deb? Vicky?

I'm off to my parents' house to help my mom learn how to use the internet.(Not the Lexicon, though! :lol: ) Then Sonny Boy has circus immediately after school, a quick dinner and then has to report for Les Miserables. What a hectic day for him. You can bet that "dinner" will be some sort of take out!

I'll check in later today if I can!

Re: Rob's Halfway House -- #7

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:34 am
by Jazz Girl
Only have a few minutes. I have an 11:30 meeting after which I fully intend to head home and take a nap. {insert yawning emoticon}

Susie~ That, I suppose, answers your question of getting the day off. :lol: Nope, I had a meeting this morning. Plus, I had all sorts of things in my car from all the running around that I needed to bring back. So, I will finish my meeting, jump in the old minivan and snuggle back in bed. So glad that the observation went well for you. Yes, I definitely remember those days! I think my junior and senior years in high school I never ate at home, at least during the week. Oh for the days (and the metabolism) when we could get away with that!

Raine~ I was thinking immediately of you and your family when I heard the news this morning. Thank you so much for letting us know that you are safe. *hugs*

Marielle~ I know, sweetie. I'm totally right there with you on the whole CougarCat issue. I swear, she needs to get a new line!! I can't believe that she is supposed to be out there promoting Red Riding Hood (which I won't even go into my issues with that film and ALL the similarities to Twilight) and she's still yapping about the Rob&Kris audition!! JEEZ woman, get a new story already! Or more to the point, satisfy all of us and release the audition tape!!

JennJenn~ Why are you awake at 4:30 am? :shock:

AnnMarie~ Good for you. I love acoustic guitar... the way it sounds. It can be very calming.

Brienna~ Ahhh, such wonderful nights when you get to sleep straight through. Those are the days you pray for!

Lulu~Happy Birthday!!! Hope is RobLicious!

Okay, just in time to head to my meeting. Catch y'all on the flip side.

Re: Rob's Halfway House -- #7

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:34 am
by BlueStarEgo
Do my eyes deceive me or is the above image of Edward getting a bit hungry? Lol. I may be late on that.

Hi, everybody! Just wanted to stop by to show that I do still have oxygen in my lungs and to say Happy Birthday to a fellow #TeamPisces member, Lulu! Have a great day girl! I'll be 20 on Monday! :D

I'll be going back home for my spring break to celebrate my birthday and for my spring break. It. Shall. Be. Awesome.

Have a great day everyone.

Re: Rob's Halfway House -- #7

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 1:19 pm
by marielle
Happy Birthday, Lulu

Hey, Brienna, sounds like your son doesn’t have much luck at his side at the moment, gove him a good hug from me…how long before you are due?

Ann-marie, you understand that we expect full report and pics if you are going, right?

Raine, I’m happy to hear you are okay, when I heard that there was a big tsunami I had to think of you and if you would be safe…but I heard there was no real damage where you live, right?

Susie, no, no, my mom will definitely not show her face on the news…it has been on tv a while ago but we didn’t knew it was the same company…the office of justice (I have no idea what the US title is) has appointed the car to my mom and the original owner has been issued to send her the ownership papers, he could take this to court but both mom, me and the police think she will win the case…
I haven’t been watching any reviews of CH new movie…I don’t know yet, I just want to skip it because the hag made it…

Caryn, we are so on the same page, I don’t know if I want to see that movie, I just want to skip that one because it’s made by CH…it’s like when I did a boycott on WB movies when they pushed back the release of HP or when I boycotted Summit movies for a while because I hated the way they treated Rob and Kris…
Still, I think CH should talk about her upcoming movie and keep her annoying mouth shut about Rob and Kris personal life…Releasing the auditioning tape would be amazing, but than she won’t have anything to talk (maybe even lie) about anymore…

You girls know how addicted I am to shopping...well it's getting even more crazy, I just finished an online shopping spree, I bought myself two new t-shirts and a new top, got my mom a new sweater and my bf two shirts...aaaahhh, best invention of the last millenium, the internet... :D

anyway, I'm off searching for some new are always welcome... :wave: